Tribute Wall
1:00 pm - 3:00 pm
Friday, March 3, 2023
St. George's Anglican Church
432 King Avenue
Bathurst, New Brunswick, Canada
6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Friday, March 3, 2023
St. George's Anglican Church
432 King Avenue
Bathurst, New Brunswick, Canada
Funeral Service
1:00 pm
Saturday, March 4, 2023
St. George's Anglican Church
432 King Avenue
Bathurst, New Brunswick, Canada

Alan Spinney posted a condolence
Monday, March 20, 2023
So sorry to hear of Rev Crowther’s passing. I have good memories of his steadfast, supportive presence at St George’s Church in Moncton in the 60’s and 70’s. I was astonished at the time to hear of his grueling Sundays, which involved travelling throughout southern NB, conducting services in towns and villages. My sincere condolences to the Crowther family.
Hank Williams posted a condolence
Wednesday, March 8, 2023
Dear Wandlyn and Albert,
I am so sorry to be so late with this as I didn’t realize your father’s obituary was not in the Fredericton paper. I wanted to express my deepest sympathy at your loss. I think his memory is reflected in the great job he and your mother did in raising such a wonderful daughter. Please accept my sincerest condolences.
Hank Williams
Mary Knox posted a condolence
Sunday, March 5, 2023
Dearest Mrs. Crowther,Wandlyn, Stephen, Fawna, Vanessa and families,
I was so saddened to hear of Mr. Crowther's passing but rejoice knowing that He is with our Lord and Saviour whom He loved and shared with others in the way he lived life, related to people, and as my minister at St. George's in Moncton all of my growing up years.
Mr. Crowther married Sheldon and I almost 36 years ago! He had the warmest smile, and always had time to talk to you. Even after he and Mrs. C. left St. George's, he kept in touch with Mom and Dad, Colin and Margaret McLeod over the years, always wanting to know what we were all up to. It meant so much to our family that he and Mrs. C made the trip up to Moncton for both of their funerals
My heart goes out to you all as you grieve his loss. He was an incredible man, so kind and caring and devoted to God, his family, friends and congregants. He will be greatly missed and very fondly remembered. I pray that our Heavenly Father will flood your hearts and minds with special memories, and give you His peace, comfort and strength as you walk through this difficult time.
Love, Mary ( McLeod) Knox
Janet Kennedy posted a condolence
Sunday, March 5, 2023
For Tom Crowther
Your twinkly eyes
mischievous smile
were so important to me
in high school
You were some kind of proof
of kindness, warmth
A rare person
whose generosity
like the sun
The whole world
will miss you....Love, Janet Kennedy
Keith Scott posted a condolence
Saturday, March 4, 2023
My deepest condolences .
He was a legend , amongst us all. A gentle Giant.
Always know, he will hold a special place in the hearts of so many.
Keith Scott
Sterling Snelgrove posted a condolence
Saturday, March 4, 2023
to Mrs. C, Wandlyn, Stephen, Fawna and Vanessa and all of the spouses and grand children and great grand children my thoughts and prayers are with each of you today as you come together to remember such an amazing man of God who loved all of us and the world he lived in in so many ways. Memories continue to come to me all week and especially today. I do wonder if Mr. C is singing Shenandoah with the heavenly choir with Sanna singing the soprano part with him. May each of you sense the love and prayers of so many this day as you come together for the service. Love and prayers, sterling
David Mennier posted a condolence
Saturday, March 4, 2023
On behalf of the Mennier family, we send our love and prayers to Reverend Canon Greg McMullin and Vanessa and family. Our mother Alice will never forget sitting on the porch and listening to Tom recite his beautiful poetry.
Patricia Scott posted a condolence
Saturday, March 4, 2023
Pat and family I will never again make Molasses cookies without thinking of the great man Tom was and his compassion toward my Doncaster family and how lovingly he spoke of his wife and children and grandchildren Rest in peace my friend You will be missed Pat Scott
Kristen posted a condolence
Saturday, March 4, 2023
We are so sorry for your loss, Matt and Family. We've always enjoyed hearing your stories of Tom Tom, the connection you shared was obvious to all. <3
Sending love,
Kristen and Cal
Stuart and Leslie Allan posted a condolence
Saturday, March 4, 2023
Our deepest condolences to all the family. We are unable to be with you because of an earlier family commitment during March break, but know we will be present through live stream. We held The Archdeacon in high regard as a brother priest; a warm and sincere man and loving husband and father. We hold dear Pat and all the children and families in prayer. Stuart and Leslie Allan
Barry K Stone posted a condolence
Friday, March 3, 2023
My sympathies and prayers to Pat, Wandalyn, Albert, Stephen,Fawna and Vanessa and their families.on their great loss. My years at St Georges were greatly enhanced by all of the Crowther's with their friendly ways. kind words, and encouraging thoughts. But it was especially Archdeacon Tom, that lead the way in teaching the youth of the parish how to reach out to the seniors, aid those in need, be a friend to all and in my case how to deliver my first homily as a layperson. i am sadden that i wont be able to attend his funeral service. But all of you will be in my thoughts tomorrow and the coming weeks, may God Bless and hold you at this time.
Respectfully Barry K Stone
Roy and Marion Dryden posted a condolence
Friday, March 3, 2023
Pat and family. We were sad to hear of Tom’s passing. He was a wonderful man and really missed him after he left St. George’s Church. Happen to see you both when you came to Sussex to see Wandlyn. Our sympathy to all of you
Elmer Mersereau posted a condolence
Friday, March 3, 2023
Dear Pat and family - Elmer and I were saddened to read of Tom's death. We remember his wise advice to us before he performed our wedding ceremony in 1963 - obviously very good advice, as we are still happily a unit! When Tom and you and your still-growing family came to minister in Westfield, we recall that Tom reached out to EVERYONE in the community, not just the Anglican faith. Special memories of a special Godly man. Know that you are in our thoughts and prayers during this difficult time - you and Tom were greatly cherished by all who encountered you, and we remember how our congregation grew in the love of our Lord at St John's Church in Grand Bay, NB during Tom's term there. HUGS, love and prayers to all of you. Joyce and Elmer Mersereau
Lydia Underhill posted a condolence
Friday, March 3, 2023
Dearest Pat and family. Catherine and I were so saddened to hear of Tom’s passing. He was a very special man and together you raised a special a beautiful family. So many great memories from your years at St, George’s in Moncton. Sending love, hugs, thoughts and prayers to you all.
Willa Mavis posted a condolence
Friday, March 3, 2023
On behalf of The Arthur and Genevieve Gorham Family please accept our sincere condolences on the loss of this fine husband and father.
'Tom' as he had asked us to call him, came into our family in 1953 as the Student Minister at St. Alban's Church in the Parish of Westfield and he and my mother instantly bonded because of their love of poetry and great books. We all enjoyed his wonderful sense of humour, and when he returned as our full-time rector years later he was carrying a small black book which he'd pull out whenever I had a new joke to share. He'd make the necessary notes so he'd remember it, and later tell it to others who enjoyed a good laugh.
Tom and Pat and all the children were regulars at our small kitchen table as Mum prepared her wonderful meals. Pat was thrilled to have a night out where she could bring the wee ones and the house was filled with laughter. The Rectory was directly across from my parent's house and in the evenings they would have fun blinking their lights to say "Good night". Dad even decorated the outside of their sun porch with Christmas lights for Pat's enjoyment.
Mum and I also enjoyed the bingo and card games Pat hosted at the Rectory, followed, of course, with a table laden with treats and tea.
They both added so much to our small church and community as they shared their love with everyone. Attendance at the church increased and most members of my family joined, even my Dad, while Tom "was there to do him".
I also regret not knowing they've been living around the corner from me in Rothesay as I would have really enjoyed seeing them again.
My thoughts will be with you as I remember all the joy you added to our lives.
Willa Mavis
Gisele McKnight posted a condolence
Friday, March 3, 2023
Wandlyn and family, my condolences and prayers for you and your family as you go through this difficult time together. Gisele McKnight, Anglican Diocese of Fredericton
Jenny Moutsatsos posted a condolence
Friday, March 3, 2023
How lucky for your Dad, Fawna, to have lived a long life. And how lucky for Steve and me to have had him as a guest at one of our Easter lamb roasts. May he rest in peace.
Jenny and Steve Moutsatsos
Anne Peltekian posted a condolence
Thursday, March 2, 2023
I am sorry to hear of your loss . Although I have never met your your dad and husband it would be impossible to imagine he wasn't an amazing man who has left a wonderful legacy through his family. Hope you are comfort for each other and we will meet again soon. xo Anne and Kevork
Kandie (Englehart) Devlin posted a condolence
Thursday, March 2, 2023
Mrs Crowther and family.
I have so may fond memories of Rev Crowther At St Gorges and stop by my parents home tea and cookies. The one that stick out the most is getting fall color leaves for the church.
Kandie (Englehart) Devlin
Phyllis Cathcart posted a condolence
Thursday, March 2, 2023
Sincere condolences to Pat and the whole family. Tom was a wonderful priest and a pleasure to speak to when I worked in the Bishop's Office.
Patricia Maguire posted a condolence
Thursday, March 2, 2023
We have fond memories of Tom and Pat from our time at St. George's in Moncton. Our older two boys were baptized there and we enjoyed many of the church events.
Tom and Pat made us feel very welcome there and provided a little bit of home for me as Tom and I had Bathurst in common!
Please accept our sincere condolences. Tom was a special person and has left a legacy of good works.
Patricia and John Maguire
Linda Weaver posted a condolence
Thursday, March 2, 2023
Dear Pat and family,
I was so sad to read of Tom's passing. He was one of the best pastors that I ever had. I will never forget his kindness to Russ and I, and his frequent visits for tea (and of course some sweets) after Russ died so suddenly. He was fun, kind, humble and above all a wonderful servant of God. He brought life to being a follower of Jesus and I know he is singing with the angels. I share in your loss-there will never be another like him and I know he loved his family so much. He was an inspiration to so many. I could go on and on-it feels like if I keep remembering all the good things, I can hold on to his memory which will always be with me. Love to you Pat and the girls.
Linda Weaver (Dickie, Maxwell)
Lynne Facey-Crowther posted a condolence
Thursday, March 2, 2023
Dear Aunt Pat and family
We were so sorry to hear of Uncle Tom’s passing. He was a wonderful man who lived a long life where family, faith and fun were everything. I think the photo you chose sums him up. Kindness radiates from his eyes and the smile makes you remember that a joke or a trick was never far away.
My first real memory of Uncle Tom is in 1956 when we went to Halifax to see Uncle Tom and to meet Aunt Pat. Little did we know that Aunt Pat and my Mum would form a bond that would last a lifetime. My father and mother (Dick and Edna)even went on a weekend trip to NYC though none of them had any money. Other memories include visiting them in Canterbury, Westfield and later Moncton. Uncle Tom and Aunt Pat were always so welcoming and so kind to us all. I used to love watching Uncle Tom and Dad laugh together, no sound coming out as they wiped their tears.
Unfortunately I saw Uncle Tom less often as I grew older and left N.B. However, I will never forget the wonderful welcome to the family that Uncle Tom, Aunt Pat, and the other Crowthers gave to Renald and his children. We still remember Oncle Tom making homemade biscuits for us after church: flour flying everywhere but not a bit on his black suit -and yes, the biscuits were delicious.
Uncle Tom had many talents but perhaps one of his greatness was his ability to make the person to whom he was speaking feel special. We will miss him. Our prayers are with you all. Love Lynne, Renald, Manuel, Dounia and family.
Frank and Anita Young posted a condolence
Thursday, March 2, 2023
The Crowther Family
- Our Prayers and thoughts are with everyone at this most difficult time - Sincere Sympathy
Frank and Anita Young
Carolyn Turney posted a condolence
Thursday, March 2, 2023
I am so very sorry for your immense loss. My prayers are with you all. Sincerely, Carolyn Turney
Ralph and Rosanne Carpentert posted a condolence
Thursday, March 2, 2023
Pat and Family: Our condolences on the loss of Tom. Tom was a man who was dear to our hearts.
Keeping your family in our prayers.
Ralph and Rosanne Carpenter
Dawn Branch posted a condolence
Thursday, March 2, 2023
Dear Pat and family.My deepest sympathy to everyone.I am so saddened at the loss of such a wonderful man.I will forever keep the happy memories of him in my heart..He made my day so much better every time I talked to him..God Bless everyone ❤️
Karen Vandenbroeck posted a condolence
Wednesday, March 1, 2023
My deepest condolences to you Pat and your dear family as you gather to celebrate with a mixture of deep sorrow and joy shared in memories of a life well lived .
Upholding you all in my thoughts and prayers .
Kay Rhodenizer posted a condolence
Wednesday, March 1, 2023
We are so very sorry to read of Toms passing! I never had the opportunity to meet him but during our years of working together you always spoke so highly of him and the wonderful family man he was! I actually felt as though I knew him well!
Byron and I send our deepest condolences to you and your family during this very sad and difficult time!
You are all in our thoughts and prayers!
Willard & Alice Blakeney posted a condolence
Wednesday, March 1, 2023
Wandlyn & Albert
We were sadden to learn that your Dad had passed away.
Although we did not know him personally we have heard great things said about him.
Our Sincere Sympathy to your family and all your siblings.
Alice & Willard Ron & Carolyn Atwood & Susan Blakeney
Velma Blakeney posted a condolence
Wednesday, March 1, 2023
Wandlyn & Albert ,
Thinking of you and all your family in the loss of your Dad.
He will be missed not only by his family but by the many friends your Mom and Dad have made over the years.
He and Walter will be sharing lots of stories now.
Velma Blakeney Snelgrove
Velma Blakeney posted a condolence
Wednesday, March 1, 2023
I was so sorry to hear that Tom had passed away. He was such a nice man.
You and Tom were always both very welcoming to Walter and I when we would see you .
My Deepest Sympathy to you and all your family at this sad time.
Velma Blakeney Snelgrove
Catherine Wetmore (Smith) posted a condolence
Wednesday, March 1, 2023
Oh how I loved Mr. Crowther. What a wonderful human being. I’m so sorry for your extraordinary loss. We will certainly keep you all in our thoughts and prayers. Love to you all.
Ann Roy posted a condolence
Wednesday, March 1, 2023
Pat, I am so sorry to see you have lost your sweetheart. If he was as sweet as you that would be quite the pair! My condolences to you and the Family. Xxxooo Ann Roy
Krista Godwin-McKnight posted a condolence
Wednesday, March 1, 2023
Dear Vanessa and family,I was saddened to hear of your father's passing.Your family is in my thoughts and prayers .Remember and Rejoice in John 3:16 and let this give you peace in the coming days. WIth sincere sympathy ,Krista Godwin-McKnight coworker at Family & Child Education Anglophone South
The Rev. Canon David Barrett and Alexandra Barrett posted a condolence
Wednesday, March 1, 2023
We are so very sorry for your loss. Archdeacon Crowther was such a kind and gentle soul. Our thoughts and prayers are with you.
Pat & Dave Murray posted a condolence
Wednesday, March 1, 2023
Pat & family, thinking of you all during this time. Many prayers coming from the extended Englehart family. As kids, we all went to the local Lakeburn United Church for Sunday School, but as we got older we started attending St. George's Anglican Church in Moncton. Tom helped us "young'uns" deal with the passing of our grandfather, then since only Thelma was the only baptized among us, Tom lead Mom & Dad to have us all baptized and also lead us through confirmation. He also performed the wedding ceremony for most of us 8 kids. Tom was always a big part of our family.
John and Kathy Urquhart posted a condolence
Wednesday, March 1, 2023
To the entire family of Tom. John and I send our heartfelt condolences in the loss of your dear Husband, Father, Grandfather and Uncle. We continue to uphold you all in prayer as you prepare to lay him to rest. God Bless
Nancy Mckinnon posted a condolence
Wednesday, March 1, 2023
Pat and family thinking of you all so sorry on Toms passing .Pat when we worked together you always spoke so highly and fondly of Tom and his support and love for you all .My thoughts and prayers are with you
jennifer Andrews posted a condolence
Wednesday, March 1, 2023
Thinking of you Vanessa and the family at this time. Dad and mom were very fond of him
Jennifer Andrews
Clyde & Marg Sooley 2Lb9p posted a condolence
Wednesday, March 1, 2023
Our thoughts and prayers are with the family at this time of sorrow.
Amanda posted a condolence
Wednesday, March 1, 2023
My condolences to you and your family. Archdeacon Crowther baptized both of my babies, he was a lovely man and we were so happy to have him join us in the celebration.
Heather McDonald (Dixon )Mabey posted a condolence
Wednesday, March 1, 2023
Dear Pat and family, so sad to read about Tom's passing this morning. It has been many yrs since we saw one another. I remember so well how Tom helped me in 1973 when my marriage ended and I had 3 very young children. Many people over the years have asked me how did I survive with out any relatives in East coast to help me but I did have faith and St George's was a big part of my life. Tom would arrange to have someone pick the 4 of us each Sunday morning and encouraged me along that difficult path. A few yrs later I remarried and my husband Bob (baptist )was forced to go to St George's and he got involved with cubs and we started The Tomas Crowther club and had lots of fun with teas and etc to raise money for church. I think of those times often and sadden to think I live in Rothesay and may have been so close to visiting you both and did not know. Would love to see you. May The Lord continue to bless you.
Sharon Robertson Hatt posted a condolence
Wednesday, March 1, 2023
Pat and Family, Condolences to the Family on his passing. He took over from our Uncle, Archdean JJ Alexander, at St Georges Moncton. Thou most of the Older Generation, were their to greet him, upon his arrival. Those of us remain, still remember Him. Louisa (Alexander) Robertson (John) and Families.
Barbara Stanfield posted a condolence
Wednesday, March 1, 2023
Condolences to the Crowther family. I met Dean Crowther after my mother in law suggested I contact him regarding my/our impending marriage. Never in my wildest dreams did I expect to be greeted so warmly, as a member of ‘another’ church. His caring and thoughtfulness was so evident, as was his unhurried meeting going through the steps needed for marriage. His officiating our marriage vows was that much more meaningful. He made me feel very special. I speak of him with great fondness, though I had not seen him at all after our marriage, having moved out of province. My heartfelt sympathy to his family. Barbara Stanfield
Greg and Wendy Jones posted a condolence
Wednesday, March 1, 2023
Mrs Crowther and all the family. Wendy and I were saddened to read of Archdeacon Crowther's passing (I still find it hard to think of calling you Tom and Pat). I so well remember your kindness to me in my university years when I hung around some with your children. You were such an amazing and grace-filled family, and you left an indelible impression on me even from my just being something on the fringes of your life. I so much also always appreciated those occasions when over the ensuing years we would serendipitously bump into each other, be it at the Homestead in Riverview or Home Hardware in Quispamsis. Wendy and I pray God's comfort for each of you as you gather to honour this faithful and loving servant of our Lord. Love to you all!!
Dee Dee & Glenn Logan posted a condolence
Wednesday, March 1, 2023
Dear Ellen & James - our condolences to you and your family on the passing of your grandfather. May the Lord watch over your family and give you strength.
Rosena Jackson posted a condolence
Wednesday, March 1, 2023
Pat. Do sorry for your loss. My prayers are with you and Tom Rosena Jackson
Julian Pillay posted a condolence
Tuesday, February 28, 2023
Sincere condolences to the bereaving family. May you know and experience God's grace and strength.
Revd Julian, Michelle & Christopher Pillay
Heather Perritt posted a condolence
Tuesday, February 28, 2023
David & I are so very very sorry to hear of this news. What a darling man that was always wearing a smile & so happy to see us. He made us feel special…. Always!! Love this photo of Tom. Perfect !!
Linda and Don LeBlanc posted a condolence
Tuesday, February 28, 2023
Our heartfelt condolences to you and Greg and your family, Vanessa. You are in our prayers.
Ken Arbeau posted a condolence
Tuesday, February 28, 2023
I am so sadden to hear of the Arch Deacon’s passing. Sad in one sense and joyous also. Earthly problems are over and paradise awaits. I am in Australia with my daughter and her family, including a two year old granddaughter and four year old grandson. Came here in early December, going home in May. Ken Arbeau
Flora McLean posted a condolence
Tuesday, February 28, 2023
We loss a great neighbour, our deepest sympathy to Pat and family.
John and Flora McLean
Roberta Bunker posted a condolence
Tuesday, February 28, 2023
My deepest sympathy to each one of you as you mourn the passing, and celebrate the life of one whose kindness, empathy and genuine concern for others from every walk of life will be remembered forever. He was our first caller on Munroe Street when my mother passed. We shall never forget his heartfelt compassion for my Dad at that time. You have a very loving extended family What a great gift that is ! This will have been a very tiring time for you and your family, mentally and physically as was the prelude to those final days. You will continue to nurture each other in the immediate and extended family as the sense of grief and loss evolves, You will always have him in your hearts as much as you will miss him in your lives. God Bless each one of you as you
travel life ‘s journey without your loved one.
Roberta ( Archibald )Bunker
Joanne and Carlson Dempsey posted a condolence
Tuesday, February 28, 2023
He was a wonderful sweet man , always had a story to tell or a poem to recite. Our condolences ,Pat and children. R.I.P Thomas ❤️❤️
Dan & Carol Ann Crowther posted a condolence
Tuesday, February 28, 2023
We loved the man! His infectious enthusiasm and his zest for life and community. One could say that Uncle Tom never met a joke that he didn’t like. I remember sharing a cup of tea on their side balcony late in the afternoon on a warm sunny day. Just sharing a few jokes, a funny story or two. Uncle Tom disappeared into the house and returned with the largest serving of strawberry shortcake I had ever seen in my life! Unlike the feeding of the multitudes, there were no leftovers. I then had to explain to Glen and Sue why I didn’t have much of an appetite when we all sat down for supper. Just know that he has a few well rehearsed jokes for that old guy with the keys to the Pearly Gates!
Much love and sincerest sympathy to Aunt Pat and Wandlyn, Stephen,Fawna,Vanessa and their families.
And also to Sannah’s children and families.
Danny, CaronAnn, Jody and Kerstin.
David Facey-Crowther posted a condolence
Tuesday, February 28, 2023
A beloved uncle remembered by my family with special affection. For me the memories stretch back to when I was a boy and Tom was just a teenager. That connection was one that lasted a lifetime. And it was one filled with happy times, laughter, reminiscences, even deep discussions. For my parents and for my siblings Tom and Pat held a special place in their affections. What a rich legacy this wonderful man has left in the enrichment of the lives of so many of us. What lovely memories to carry us forward. Thank you Uncle Tom.
Keith and Shirley Fletcher posted a condolence
Tuesday, February 28, 2023
Please know our thoughts and prayers are with you. God Bless. Keith and Shirley Fletcher.
Joan, Mark, Darren, Kara Crowther & family posted a condolence
Tuesday, February 28, 2023
We have nothing but impeccable memories of our Uncle Tom. He took our father Michael (his nephew) “under his wing” and in doing so instilled in him all of his wonderful qualities, especially compassion, and unconditional love for family. We will miss him terribly. He was a leader and a guiding light. He made the world a better place. Eternal Blessings.
Holly A Smith posted a condolence
Tuesday, February 28, 2023
My deepest sympathies to Pat and all the family members, he sure was a great man. I sure enjoyed the time I worked for Tom and Pat. Enjoyed our tea and chat times he liked to talk about my day and all the work he did in the house. He will always have a special place in my heart. R.I.P. my friend you are with the angles in the flower garden.
Anne Marie LeGrand posted a condolence
Tuesday, February 28, 2023
My sympathies and prayers go to Pat and all the family. Bill and I met Tom when we moved to New Brunswick in the parish of Restigouche. We just loved him and looked forward to seeing him at deanery events. He was a special and humble person with a great sense of humour. He will be missed by everyone who knew him.
Anne Marie LeGrand
Jean& Barry Nelson posted a condolence
Tuesday, February 28, 2023
Our sympathy to Rev Crowther’s family. Especially to Wandlyn & Albert & family. Your father served his life well. We will be watching the service here in Mexico.
The family of Thomas William Facey Crowther uploaded a photo
Tuesday, February 28, 2023

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